Level 5 is really easy to do and should not take much time to complete, whereas level 11 is way harder and requires some practice at least. I've also been thinking about polishing some segments in the IL table (which have been delayed, but will appear on SDA), where level 5 and 11 are the ones where better routes exist as we know. I did also record the whole thing just for fun, but don't expect any footage just yet - it's way to sloppy for that It went rather well for most parts actually (apart from level 8 and the last 3 levels), but a good time would probably be around 1:35 or possibly 1:30.

I have not played this game for a long time and did not look at any of my old runs before the attempt so there was a lot of mishaps along the way including areas where I had to stop and think for a second.

Yesterday I decided to do a SS run of this game out of the blue and ended up with a highly unrespectable time of 1:47:09.